Sprinkle with caster sugar when warm out of the oven (30g per tray)
1 hour at 130°C plus ½ hour at 120°C
Remember to open vent on oven
Put butter in mixing bowl with sugar and mix on No1 until
Add cornflour and plain flour to mixing bowl, mix on No1
until combined and soft enough to spread out with fingers. (A softer mix is easier to spread and press out)
Weigh out 3lb of mix in each tray and spread evenly with fingers, then press out evenly in tray making sure the mixture is flat (you can use a spoon or the base of a loaf tin to make the pressing easier)
Make sure there is not mixture up the sides of the tray as it looks messy when baked – pull the paper towards the centre of the tray to pull mixture flat. Use your knuckles to make a few indentations in the mix to make it look rustic and handmade – don’t overdo it or the biscuit will be weak once cut.
Bake at 130°C for 1 hour VENT OPEN, then ½ hour at 120°C. When cooked take out of oven and sprinkle with castor sugar.
Vent open
Make sure to cut into fingers whilst still warm, otherwise you do not get a clean cut!